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Period–Radius Distribution for Confirmed and Candidate Planets

This interactive figure shows all the currently confirmed transiting exoplanets along with planet candidates from the three major transit missions. If the tap tool is on, clicking on a particular planet will open its appropriate details page on either Exoplanet Archive or ExoFOP-TESS. Clicking on the labels in the legend allows you to turn on and off individual collections of planets. Clicking on the color tools up top allow you to select your own color palette. Selecting a region with the lasso or box select tools then clicking on the download button will give you a list of the planets in your area of interest.

For more plots, choose your parameters:

Period vs Radius

Period vs Mass

Mass vs Radius

Planet Discoveries Over Time

Transiting Planet Distance vs Radius

Transiting Planet Insolation vs Radius & the Radius Gap